Relationship Conflict

Conflict & Stress
Relationship challenge, conflict, or ending, is one of the highest causes of stress and emotional trauma, which is when most of us tend to quicken our breath. 

"Changes in feelings, especially if they are intense, are reflected in patterns of breathing, profoundly affecting the smooth, continuous flow of the breath.  Fear for example, produces fast, shallow breathing. Anger results in short, quick inhalations and strong, rapid exhalations.  In anxiety states, breathing is also fast and sometimes irregular.  Grief produces a characteristic sob and relief brings a sigh.  Pain often causes a holding of the breath and can, in fact, produce a change in both breathing and emotion."
Stella Wellar  "The Breath Book"

It takes courage to face our fear, anger, anxiety and pain, and while we may not be able to resist the feelings, we can choose how we react, and avoid expressing, venting, or acting out. 

Taking some time out to breathe, can decrease and often reverse the effects.  We might sometimes feel too angry to take a moment to breathe, but the more often we make the attempt, the easier it becomes, and over time the need for it diminishes.

1 900 BREATHE(1 900 273-2843makes it easier for you to focus on taking deep breaths, because the voice recording at the other end will be reminding and instructing you, instead of you trying to calm down enough to remind and instruct yourself.  All you have to do is call, breathe, and relax. 3 1/2 minutes is a short distance between you and some peace of mind.